About the Blog

Motivation is the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal-directed behaviors. Folks there are many a times we feel not so in a mood to do something..we sometimes feel dejected and try to give up the situation. So to cheer up the mood I thought I may help a little by creating this Blog.This blog will contain

PS:- Only the Story "The Rise" is my original creation.The short stories and Motivational Quotes may not be my original creation,They have been Picked from the internet (well I go through many stuff from Internet so I might not Quote the original Source on every story, unless It have Copyright Issues in that Case the owner or any person who may find it disturbing and want the original source to be quoted can contact me).This Blog just Compiles the various stuff which may be already Present on Internet,It's Just for Motivating people not some money making Business.

Thanks Everyone to go through the blog... all suggestions will be well come, if you find something motivational you can also mail me and I will Post on your Behalf.. and any other query feel free to contact
